Friday, May 15, 2009

Welcome to Nomad's Land

So here we are, military wives. Unpaid members of the CF. One day, during an email exchange where we were discussing a "Skippy's List" style forward that was making the rounds, we decided to include one of our own. And this is what we came up with:

Things I have learned from the Canadian Navy
"A military spouse is considered a member of the CF. You have no rank, rights, pay grade or human feelings, but you are expected to be available 24/7 for duty, and be an entirely self-sufficient unit capable of frequent 2-12 month solo missions without support of any kind. You will also be expected to act as adminO, logO, warrantO, and CO. You have no date of retirement to look forward to, and you will never be paid - only punished - for your efforts. You will never get a vacation, you can never quit, and you will never, ever be promoted.
You are additionally the only person ever responsible for all things relating to your children. You are solely charged with caregiving and anything else your child will ever need: your husband will only ever 'babysit' and even then it will be at his convenience and only if the children are already asleep and if it doesn't interfere with his drinking and whoring (see following).
Your suborninate's failures [i.e. those of the officially serving member]are always your fault. You will spend your days wondering if your husband is spending his sea pay on liquor and whores while he's sailing. You will then wonder why Halifax doesn't have more free clinics based on this information. You are required to be omniscient, endlessly patient and selfless. You then realize that they Navy should issue YOU a medal for putting up with all this for years...."

So what better choice but to take to the blogosphere and bitch about it?
Because somehow, I just don't think I'm alone here...